Monday, April 30, 2018

M7 Task

For my M7 task I did the three good things 
from 4/20/18-4/27/18

  • 4/20/18
1. J Cole dropped his new album KOD.
- J Cole one of my favorite artist of all time stunned the twitter sphere when he tweeted that he was releasing a new album on 4/20/18.
2. One of my coworkers bought me buffalo wild wings.
- Me and my coworker were arguing about what was the special at buffalo wild wings on Tuesday and we bet that whoever got it wrong had to buy the other person wings, and I won.
3. Rockets won game one
- As you may know the NBA playoffs are currently going on and I really want the rockets to win it all this year and I was happy because they won their first playoff game against Minnesota

  • 4/21/18
1. I got a good leg workout.
- Lately I have been having some pain in my left knee and it bothered me when I would hit legs, but for some reason It did't hurt this day and I got a really good leg workout.
2. 3 Dubs back to back on fortnite.
- I hoped on with the boys on fortnite and we ended up getting three victory royals back to back something I have never done before.
3.I got a oil change.
- after avoiding it for a while I finally decided to get a oil change for my car and it just felt really good to have gotten that out of the way and have one less thing to worry about.

  • 4/22/18
1. I went to ASU
- I went to ASU to check out the campus and just hangout with some of my friends that go there and it was just a good time and really fun. We hooped talked to girls and got some wings.
2. Mom cleaned my shoes.
- when I got home from ASU my mom had washed my shoes and they looked like new.
3. I won $20 on a scratch off
- I had to get something from HEB and when I was paying I saw the scratch off tickets and I had not played in a while so I decided to purchase one and ended up winning $20 bucks!

  • 4/23/18
1. I Got a A on my personal finance exam.
- I was up really late the night prior to this exam and I was so stressed out, but I killed it and got a A on it.
2. I made good money at work.
- I made over $140 in tips at work.
3. I got a new guitar strap
-My dog had recently chewed up my guitar strap which I was not happy about so I ordered a new one online and it finally arrived.

  • 4/24/18
1. My mom made chocolate chip pancakes.
- I had been telling my mom that I have been craving her chocolate chip pancakes and she surprised me with them when I woke up.
2. Taco Tuesday.
- I go to Rosas cafe almost every Tuesday for the taco Tuesday special.
3. I finished all my art homework
- I take art online and the professor has the homework all open and I finished up all the assignments left and now all I have to do is take one more quiz which should be cake.

  • 4/25/18
1. Class canceled
-One of my professors canceled class which is always amazing
2. Haircut
- I got a very much needed haircut
3. Filled up my tank
- I get a certain satisfaction in filling up my car tank and it makes me happy.

  • 4/26/18
1. New Tv
- I upgraded my tv and bought me a new sixty inch one which is huge!
2. Psychology class was fun
- Me and my partner presented and it went really well and also we had a guest speaker and the activities she had us do were really fun.
- I had bought the tickets for this movie a month before it came out and I had been anxiously waiting for it and let me tell you, it was worth the wait! It was soooooooo good if you haven't watched it yet invite me to go watch it again with you.

  • 4/27/18
1.Congreso 2k18
- Every year my church takes our youth group to a event in Waco called congreso. I have been going since I was like fifteen and it is a amazing experience, it really charges your spiritual battery and gets that fire In your heart to worship and server the lord going.
2. Jazz eliminate Thunder
- the Utah jazz eliminate the thunder in game 7 to move on to the semi conference finals.
3. Church time
- After the event and concert at congreso we all meet up in one of our hotel rooms and discuss and reflect on what we learned that night. Also I play the guitar and we all sing worship songs.

Thursday, April 19, 2018


Counselors are a very affective tool that we should all utilize when we need them, but they don’t really get the credit that they deserve and I feel like they definitely deserve it. 

I have a friend name Johny  who has always been a really reserved to himself kind of guy. He doest say much in class and only speaks when he is forced to. I have know him since we were in kindergarten and are really close friends and have been hanging out since we were five years old until this day. This story is about how a counselor helped out my friend Johny. 

It was our junior year in high school and me and Johny would usually hangout pretty often like four to five times out of the week, but I remember the week before easter he started trying to avoid making plans to hangout or me going over or him coming to my place. I knew something was wrong but didn’t really want to ask and get all in his personal business so I decided to leave it at that and hope whatever he was going through would pass eventually. Well it didn’t. Johny stoped coming to church, he stoped coming over, he never wanted to play basketball anymore he just wanted to be left alone and be alone at home. Finally I went over to his house to talk to him and see whats up and his mom opened the door and she let me in. I was walking towards Johny room when his mom stoped me and told me he’s in his grandmas room. I walked to his grandmas room and knocked. He opened the door and was surprised at my being there, but when he opened the door I saw his grandma just laying on her bed looking almost lifeless surrounded with all sort of medication. He then told me that his grandma had acquired terminal cancer and that she didn’t have long to live. 

Later that week that I went to his house and found out about his grandma, she passed away on a Thursday and alfonso texted me about it and I knew he was going to take it hard. I tried to text him and hangout as much as possible but he almost never answered me. I remember at school one time he asked me if I could hold a bottle of painkillers for him because he was afraid he was going to take them all. I knew my friend needed some help and so I told him about going to the school counselor and he just laughed and said “i already feel dead there no reason to waste anyones time.” I Finally convinced him to go just one time to see if it would help and he agreed. 

He went and I didn’t see a difference at first and I expected that, i knew this was going to be a time consuming process if it was going to work. He continued to go to get help.  mrs.jordan the school counselor really helped out my friend and he started to talk to me about how he was feeling on certain days and he now wanted to get out of the house more often. He slowly started to become his old self again the friend I knew and I know for a fact if it weren’t for mrs.Jordans help he would of struggled a lot harder to find his old self again. Counselors are a great tool for people with not just psychological problems but all kinds of problems. We should be so grateful we have them and use them anytime we need them!

Monday, April 2, 2018

M5 Task

My inspirational story is about a motivational speaker and former football player by the name of inky Johnson. His story about how his whole life changed in a matter of seconds is truly motivating and amazing. 

Inky Johnson is a black male who lived in a crime and drug infested neighborhood. He grew up in a two bedroom house with fourteen people. He slept on the ground most of the time with roaches and rats, but got the opportunity to sleep on a bed once out of the week. At a young age inky declared and made up his mind that he didn't want to be just like his five uncles living in that house that were in and out of jail constantly. He told himself at a young age that he wanted to go to the NFL and get him and his family out of poverty. He went to his big cousin and told him about his goal of reaching the NFL, and that he knew it wasn't going to be easy so they had to start working for it right now. 
He made his big cousin promise that every night before they went to bed they were going to race in the street from light post to light post barefoot. One night while inky and his cousin were racing in the street, a coach drove by and asked Inky and his cousin if they would like to join his football team. Inky and his cousin said they would really like to but that their mom could not afford it. The coach told inky not to worry about it and signed not just him and his cousin up, but all the kids that lived on that street. After practice all the players would go home except for inky who had to wait for his mom who worked at Wendys to get off. When his mom showed up it would be ten to ten thirty at night and inky would just be sitting there waiting for her. When she finally showed up Inky would jump off the bench and sprint over to his mom and tell her that if she didn't mind, if she could turn on the lights of her car so he could do some extra drills so he could make it to the NFL so she wouldn't have to work another day in her life. Inky knew his mother was tired, but every night when she would go pick him up she would turn on the lights of her car and sit there for a hour and a half while inky did sprints, feet drills just chasing his dream to go to the NFL.
 Later in his life Inky went to Grim high school one of the lowest performing schools in the whole state of Georgia, the drop out rate was higher than the graduation rate. His first day he walked through the doors the metal detector cop asked him whats your plan little man and inky told him he wanted to go D1. The metal detector cop laughed at him and said yeah right you'll probably end up in cell block D1. Inky told him nah you got the wrong guy. After his freshman year inky's mother and father decided to transfer him to a better high school that told him all he has to do is come play his next three years there and they would guarantee him a scholarship to play football at Georgia. Inky begged his parents to leave him at the high school he was currently at, one of the lowest performing high schools in the state of Georgia. He told them he could get a scholarship playing there. They told him inky nobody goes to college from there, but he begged them to let him stay there. They transferred him anyways.
 First football game he tore his ligaments in his ankle and was out for the season and ended up in a wheelchair. He begged his parents again to transfer him back to his other high school, one of the lowest performing high schools in the state of Georgia. They transferred him back and that year they had gotten a new coach. He asked Inky what school do you want to go to? Inky said I just want to go D1. His coach said son you don't understand, what school do you want to go to? Inky said I just want to go D1. The coach told inky after the first couple of games we will put a tape together and see what happens. After the first couple of games inky had nine touchdowns and thats all she wrote. 
The university of Tennessee offered him a full scholarship to play football for them. His freshman year he played special teams, his sophomore year he broke the starting line up and had a really strong sophomore season. The summer heading into his junior year inky was watching film in the film room when his defensive backs coach came up to him and told him, inky I have some good news for you. Inky said what is it? He told Inky your projected top twenty draft pick son, all you have to do is play the next ten football games and you'll be an automatic multi millionaire. Inky went out of the room and called his mother and grandmother on a three way and told them, after this season there will be no more struggle, he said they would never miss another meal again. First football game Inky played great. Second game they were playing against air force late in the game fourth quarter the airforce QB drops back and throws it to a receiver coming down inky's sideline. Inky went head up with the guy and as soon as he hit the guy inky said it felt as if every breath left his body. inky went completely limp and he blacked out and fell to the ground. 
When inky's eyes opened his teammates ran over to him and said ink get up lets go. inky said I can't, I can't move. They said what do you mean you cant move, your our lock down corner we need you lets go. Inky said I know man but this time I can't move. Inky put his head up to the sky and said God surely nothing has happened in this moment that can alter my life. They took Inky to the hospital they ran cat scans and all in a fifteen second time frame the doctor came running into inky's room and said HEY WE HAVE TO RUSH THIS MAN INTO EMERGENCY SURGERY HE'S ABOUT TO DIE! Inky said what? He said son you have busted a artery in your chest your bleeding internally, we have to rush you back take the main vein out of your left leg plug it into your chest in order to save your life. When inky opened his eyes from surgery the same doctor was looking over him and said son I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is we saved your life. the bad news is there is a strong possibility you'll never be able to play the game of football ever again. Inky said no way. Inky said no disrespect to you doc but I've been working for this ever since I was seven years old. Inky said no disrespect to you doc but you weren't at the park with me and my mother late at night, no disrespect to you doc but you didn't come up in that two bedroom home with fourteen people living in it.
 Inky would never go on to play another down of football but he took a bad situation a turned it into a career. Inky is now a business owner and a motivational speaker who travels all over the country sharing his story and motivating  people to use every bad situation for a positive outcome.

Final Blog Post!

Through out this semester I have gained so much knowledge and understanding of psychology and I know it will benefit me in the long run. I w...