Monday, April 2, 2018

M5 Task

My inspirational story is about a motivational speaker and former football player by the name of inky Johnson. His story about how his whole life changed in a matter of seconds is truly motivating and amazing. 

Inky Johnson is a black male who lived in a crime and drug infested neighborhood. He grew up in a two bedroom house with fourteen people. He slept on the ground most of the time with roaches and rats, but got the opportunity to sleep on a bed once out of the week. At a young age inky declared and made up his mind that he didn't want to be just like his five uncles living in that house that were in and out of jail constantly. He told himself at a young age that he wanted to go to the NFL and get him and his family out of poverty. He went to his big cousin and told him about his goal of reaching the NFL, and that he knew it wasn't going to be easy so they had to start working for it right now. 
He made his big cousin promise that every night before they went to bed they were going to race in the street from light post to light post barefoot. One night while inky and his cousin were racing in the street, a coach drove by and asked Inky and his cousin if they would like to join his football team. Inky and his cousin said they would really like to but that their mom could not afford it. The coach told inky not to worry about it and signed not just him and his cousin up, but all the kids that lived on that street. After practice all the players would go home except for inky who had to wait for his mom who worked at Wendys to get off. When his mom showed up it would be ten to ten thirty at night and inky would just be sitting there waiting for her. When she finally showed up Inky would jump off the bench and sprint over to his mom and tell her that if she didn't mind, if she could turn on the lights of her car so he could do some extra drills so he could make it to the NFL so she wouldn't have to work another day in her life. Inky knew his mother was tired, but every night when she would go pick him up she would turn on the lights of her car and sit there for a hour and a half while inky did sprints, feet drills just chasing his dream to go to the NFL.
 Later in his life Inky went to Grim high school one of the lowest performing schools in the whole state of Georgia, the drop out rate was higher than the graduation rate. His first day he walked through the doors the metal detector cop asked him whats your plan little man and inky told him he wanted to go D1. The metal detector cop laughed at him and said yeah right you'll probably end up in cell block D1. Inky told him nah you got the wrong guy. After his freshman year inky's mother and father decided to transfer him to a better high school that told him all he has to do is come play his next three years there and they would guarantee him a scholarship to play football at Georgia. Inky begged his parents to leave him at the high school he was currently at, one of the lowest performing high schools in the state of Georgia. He told them he could get a scholarship playing there. They told him inky nobody goes to college from there, but he begged them to let him stay there. They transferred him anyways.
 First football game he tore his ligaments in his ankle and was out for the season and ended up in a wheelchair. He begged his parents again to transfer him back to his other high school, one of the lowest performing high schools in the state of Georgia. They transferred him back and that year they had gotten a new coach. He asked Inky what school do you want to go to? Inky said I just want to go D1. His coach said son you don't understand, what school do you want to go to? Inky said I just want to go D1. The coach told inky after the first couple of games we will put a tape together and see what happens. After the first couple of games inky had nine touchdowns and thats all she wrote. 
The university of Tennessee offered him a full scholarship to play football for them. His freshman year he played special teams, his sophomore year he broke the starting line up and had a really strong sophomore season. The summer heading into his junior year inky was watching film in the film room when his defensive backs coach came up to him and told him, inky I have some good news for you. Inky said what is it? He told Inky your projected top twenty draft pick son, all you have to do is play the next ten football games and you'll be an automatic multi millionaire. Inky went out of the room and called his mother and grandmother on a three way and told them, after this season there will be no more struggle, he said they would never miss another meal again. First football game Inky played great. Second game they were playing against air force late in the game fourth quarter the airforce QB drops back and throws it to a receiver coming down inky's sideline. Inky went head up with the guy and as soon as he hit the guy inky said it felt as if every breath left his body. inky went completely limp and he blacked out and fell to the ground. 
When inky's eyes opened his teammates ran over to him and said ink get up lets go. inky said I can't, I can't move. They said what do you mean you cant move, your our lock down corner we need you lets go. Inky said I know man but this time I can't move. Inky put his head up to the sky and said God surely nothing has happened in this moment that can alter my life. They took Inky to the hospital they ran cat scans and all in a fifteen second time frame the doctor came running into inky's room and said HEY WE HAVE TO RUSH THIS MAN INTO EMERGENCY SURGERY HE'S ABOUT TO DIE! Inky said what? He said son you have busted a artery in your chest your bleeding internally, we have to rush you back take the main vein out of your left leg plug it into your chest in order to save your life. When inky opened his eyes from surgery the same doctor was looking over him and said son I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is we saved your life. the bad news is there is a strong possibility you'll never be able to play the game of football ever again. Inky said no way. Inky said no disrespect to you doc but I've been working for this ever since I was seven years old. Inky said no disrespect to you doc but you weren't at the park with me and my mother late at night, no disrespect to you doc but you didn't come up in that two bedroom home with fourteen people living in it.
 Inky would never go on to play another down of football but he took a bad situation a turned it into a career. Inky is now a business owner and a motivational speaker who travels all over the country sharing his story and motivating  people to use every bad situation for a positive outcome.


  1. This is such a powerful story of how the Lord will use the worst things we can comprehend and use it as a tool for good. This is an awesome blog and thank you for sharing. I can’t wait to read the next blog.

  2. Bryan, I really enjoyed reading your blog post. Inky's story is truly an inspiration one and shows just that God works in mysterious ways. You may not always know what his plans are but he knows what is for your better interest. Great blog

  3. Wow, this is a great example of how much God is working in all of our lives and has control over even the most serious injuries; He knows what He is doing! Inky's story is so inspiring and I am glad he can now share what he learned to others. Good job!

  4. Hey Bryan, great job on the blog post. Inky's story was truly amazing! This blog really helps give me insight that God works in mysterious ways. That if something bad happens to me, I must tell myself that it's all for a reason. Great job again.


Final Blog Post!

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